Solar Power Irrigation System: Benefits and Challenges

Thus, this is how the solar power irrigation system works, which benefits agriculture in many ways. However, there are also some of the disadvantages conclude in it.  All the industries are using the technology and getting the benefit on the high range. The agricultural industry now needs to use cutting-edge technologies like solar-powered irrigation systems because sustainable practices are becoming increasingly important in today’s environment. The incorporation of solar power offers a viable solution to the problems that traditional irrigation technologies confront due to declining water supplies and growing energy expenses. Here, you will get to know about the have solar-powered irrigation systems and what are the benefits of solar power irrigation system, their disadvantages, and contributions to sustainable agriculture. Continue reading to grab the complete information regarding this. 

Understand the Solar Power Irrigation System?

We know that solar power works and benefits in many ways, but first, we need to understand what a solar power irrigation system is and how it works before jumping onto the benefits of a solar power irrigation system. A Solar Power Irrigation System is an environment-friendly solution through which one can convert solar energy into electricity. One can utilize the PV panels and proceed with the irrigation process. Solar panels capture sunlight and transform it into electrical energy. This electricity powers water pumps, which extract water from a reservoir or well and distribute it to agricultural fields for irrigation.

The system usually consists of a water distribution network, controllers, sensors, solar panels, a pump, and other essential parts. The water pump is powered by electricity produced by solar panels that absorb sunlight. Controllers and sensors control the water flow and monitor variables like soil moisture levels and weather to ensure effective water 

Benefits of Solar Power Irrigation

There are so many benefits of Solar power irrigation system that continuously attract people towards solar panels not only in general use in houses and offices but also in agriculture. The continuously increasing price of electricity and the scarcity of fossil fuels are affecting the agriculture system and the crops and making them more expensive. Solar power irrigation systems have made them more affordable along with minimizing the environmental impact. Here are the reasons why you should choose the solar irrigation system for your crops.

Protect the Grid More than Regular Electricity 

When it comes to a sudden natural disaster, solar panels safeguard the grid better than other electricity sources. If you live in an area that is natural disaster-prone, solar panels can be the best choice for you. However, the quality of the solar panel that you purchase will definitely affect the situation. But you can choose a solar panel irrigation system for your field. Solar power irrigation systems do not need of grid connection and promote renewable energy adoption.          .

Budget-friendly and generates income 

The use of fossil fuels costs more than solar energy and also fluctuates the price. For small-scale farmers, solar energy plays a vital role as it is more budget-friendly than other energy sources. Additionally, agriculture in the rural areas becomes more difficult as there is still electricity inaccessible. In that case, solar power is the best and cheapest option as they do not have to pay heavy electricity bills, and it also has less operational cost as sunlight is free. The government is also promoting the use of solar energy by providing so many incentives, tax credits, or subsidies.  

A Perfect Alternative to Electricity

Using electricity for farming is another challenge for farmers because, in the villages, the electricity blackout is so inconvenient that it affects the farmer’s hard work and reduces their income. They have the option of generators, but that is also very costly. Hence, a solar power irrigation system is the perfect and most effective alternative option because it runs on a free, unlimited source of energy, that is, sunlight. Also, it does not require fossil fuel, so it reduces the dependency on other sources.  


Environment Friendly 

The solar energy irrigation system helps corp growth and ensures that the farm is properly watered every day. Solar energy does not release greenhouse gasses as other energy sources do, such as coal and biogas. Also, using solar energy reduces the effects on the ozone layer. It is a clean renewable energy that is climate resilient.  


Energy Independence

One of the benefits of solar power irrigation systems is that it reduces farmer’s dependency on electricity. They can now generate their own energy. Solar power provides a stable power supply for irrigation. 

Multipurpose application

Solar energy has several uses in irrigation systems. Its stored excess energy can power mills, cold storage facilities, water filtration systems, and other machinery. Additionally, by connecting it to the electrical grid, farmers can sell the excess power to the power provider, which can increase their income. 


Self-regulated irrigation system

The cutting-edge advancements of solar-powered irrigation systems allow them to be highly self-regulating for the land, taking into account crop water requirements, environmental conditions, and water availability. 


It makes Irrigation Possible in Remote Areas

If you live in an off-grid or remote area, a solar power irrigation system works in your favor. It enables irrigation in remote areas where it is very difficult to provide proper access to traditional electricity.

Improves Crop Growth 

Solar power irrigation systems also help in increasing crop growth and productivity through regular, well-managed irrigation, which results in healthier and more productive agricultural production.


What are the Challenges One Faces in Utilizing Solar Power Irrigation Systems?

Although there are so many benefits of solar power irrigation system, people have to tackle multiple challenges, too. When you are willing to take complete advantage of this system, you must know what challenges occur on the way. 

benefits of solar power irrigation system

  • Setup of a solar power irrigation system can be expensive, as the Initial Investment is the main challenge, especially for farmers. Energy storage systems used to be complex and costly.
  • Solar panels generate power through the sun, so weather dependency is another challenge for solar power irrigation. 
  • It require a large space to install a solar panel  which may have to compete with available land for cultivation.Somtimes this becomes a large issue in setting up a irrigation system.   
  • To install the solar power irrigation system, people require technical expertise that is not available so soon.  


Thus, these are the challenges people face when they try to shift to solar power. However, it is being tried to solve all of these issues by the government and the local workers. The government is providing subsidies and launching different schemes to prompt the solar power irrigation system because traditional irrigation is a huge challenge and also does not provide as effective results as solar power. The distinct benefits of solar power irrigation systems show that it is the future of sustainable agriculture.         

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is a solar irrigation system?

Solar power irrigation system helps in field irrigation by using solar energy in water pumping and replacing fossil fuels. People can consider solar energy in the electricity that powers the water pumps. It draws water from a source such as a well or a reservoir.  


Is using a solar power irrigation system beneficial?

Yes, it transforms barren land into productive land, enables efficient irrigation in even remote areas with limited electricity access, and achieves water and energy conservation


How to make a solar powered irrigation system?

You will require a solar panel, pump controller, module mounting assembly, and some of the accessories such as cables, connectors, and pipe for the AC pump. But if you want to set a DC pump, you will not require a pump controller. 


How much does solar irrigation cost?

There are different cost for the solar power irrigation system depending on the type and facility you are demanding. A good quality solar power system price use to starts from Rs. 1,50000 to 3,00000. 

Which irrigation system is the cheapest?

If you are looking for the cheapest way to create a DIY drip system, you can use PVC pipe. You can purchase it at your local hardware or big-box store.

Is solar irrigation good?

There are multiple benefits of a solar power irrigation system, as it reduces the dependency on traditional electricity, which is so uncertain in the village area, and also on fossil fuels. Besides this, it is environment friendly and reduces climate impact.      

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